TRAVIS MORTIMER: Presentation of PROJECT BACKGROUND_OPERATIONS_SITE SELECTION PROCESS Requirements of Station 10 project: Old firehouse was built in 1991 and is aging, and at this point it makes no economic sense to repair the existing wooden building. The county ran a facility condition index and found Station 10 to be in the poorest condition of all of the County firehouses. They will be replacing the existing building with a new firehouse that conforms with fire station requirements. To comply with County policy, they cannot continue to invest in the building and must rebuild. Travis mentioned structural issues with the existing building (pilings issues, soffit damage) and why it cannot be repaired. Since the building cannot be remodeled to comply with code and regulations, it must be rebuilt. The firehouse will be going from a footprint of 3200 sf to approx. 5500 sf. It will have berthing spaces that conform to modern standards and be a “safe” place, meaning the building must have a lobby for the public to enter (however, they can’t come into the back of the Station). It will have an elevator, be ADA accessible, have parking and stormwater drainage. It must meet Miami-Dade code of 170 mph winds. The budget has been established at $3.6 million. The project will be paid for with county-wide Ad Valorum funding. After engineering & architecture, permitting costs ($400K) leaves $3.2M for construction. (budget details are available in the Site Evaluation Report) PROJECT TIMELINE: 9 months for the design. At this point they are running a little behind, but are continuing to design and should be able to catch up to planned schedule once the site is selected. They anticipate 12-15 months of active construction. By October 2020 we can expect them to be moving into the new structure. For the initial analysis for site evaluation, Charlotte County real estate services did market research to find out what’s available on market. They identified 10 potential parcels for sale. Out of these10 sites, they whittled it down to 3 sites to consider: SITE A. Existing site is a small ¼ acre + parcel. They can make it work. The challenge would be operating the fire station while constructing the new one. They need to find temporary site during construction. Existing site is estimated to run $300K over original budget including $200K budgeted for temporary facilities. SITE B. 61 Gasparilla, a vacant lot two parcels north of the existing site. Upside: No NIMBY issues – they consider it a benefit that the location is familiar to neighbors. Downside: Would require a zoning change to build the firehouse & is privately owned. Site B would run $100k over original budget plus purchase price of the property. SITE C. 1 North Gulf Blvd. Upside: It’s a presence, could be a landmark for the island. Downsides: land is much bigger than required. The County only needs a portion of the parcel. Also it is currently privately owned and requires buffers for wetlands. With the known issues Site C is estimated to run $300K over budget, plus the cost of property, in addition to the possibility of unknown issues that could cause more cost overruns. Travis said that they are trying to protect the county from taking on liabilities, such as excess land. They do not want to own and maintain so much property and mangrove. The evaluation matrix had a 1-5 scoring system, which was a SUBJECTIVE measure in terms of how convenient or attractive or how many burdens were assumed with each location. Vertical Divider
need (1 acre). If the permitting is agreeable they could probably make Site C work with a very GOOD price on the land parcels, or even a “patriotic” donation (which does occur periodically with right-of-ways) but they are still concerned about the unknowns (potential issues during the project execution that could cause big cost overruns). Bottom line: He thinks he can make any of them work but cannot control some of the risks involved with SITE C. DEPUTY CHIEF JASON FAIR answered some questions from MSBU Advisory Committee meetings: Growth potential: The building is designed for a 2-person crew with a 3rd bunk available if needed. This increases the staffing capacity for storms. Truex added “If we’re designing a structure today to accommodate a crew of 4 it should be able to be done on any of the parcels.” Equipment type & stowage: They are preparing for replacing apparatus as needed not replacing the TYPE of apparatus used and stored, so the same space will be appropriate when equipment is updated in 2021. Water assets: Marine unit/piers (access) are used for evacuations and bringing marine crew in. Water access would be nice but not required. The County can get the job done through other means, so it is not a priority. Deputy Chief Fair said that the county has regional service: if we had a marine crew based on the island they would spend most of their time away from the Island, by necessity, to be useful to the County. NEXT STEPS (TRAVIS): 1. It is on the County Commission agenda on April 9th for a vote on accepting the recommendation of 61 Gasparilla as the site location for the new fire house. If you wish to give input to the BCC, there will be an opportunity at the BEGINNING of the meeting for input on any topic on the agenda. 2. The Board will give direction to the staff on how to proceed 3. Site specific design and permitting to follow. 4. Construction begins in (best case) October 2019, in the worst case it’s uncertain. Project estimated to have a 12-month duration. BILL TRUEX: 1 North Gulf parcel was brought to his attention a while back and was “way more than we need”. He pushed to get the lot analyzed, but he can’t justify to the county taxpayers additional $800-900K to pay for a firehouse. “I support the original location to replace the firehouse”, he said. “I can’t say to people in other parts of the county to pay a lot of extra money for a larger parcel that isn’t necessary.” Island Station 10 can’t be utilized for backup for other stations, like any other fire station in the county. CCFD assets/employees have to be moved around on the mainland, but they can’t take assets off the Island. Mitigation credits: “It is an idea” Truex said. “I don’t know enough about what our land bank looks like around here.” Travis said that the site evaluation report is not exhaustive, primarily dealing with the budget. The Little Pine Island land bank was mentioned, which could make a big difference to the underlying cost of Site C. Travis said he would look into it. Vertical Divider
based here, they would spend most of their time away to serve the area since marine coverage is done regionally. We would be losing a crew every time the boats leave the Island. The debate becomes how much we would be depending on marine services. The vast majority of Island coverage is provided through engines, emergency vehicles – except for service to Thornton Key (noted by a resident). Chief Van Helden: “Our recommendation is to do whatever is needed to keep you alive or to get water on a fire.” BILL TRUEX: He’s not saying “NO” to Site C, but he has to be cognizant of ALL taxpayer dollars. Asked for current build-out levels: 418 buildable lots/660 built. If extra costs are charged back to Island MSBU “easy numbers” on $1M overbudget: 1000 properties each taxpayer pays extra $100/year for 10 years. When asked about concern about future commercial development (such as a hotel or motel) on that N. Gulf Blvd. parcel, “that won’t happen” Truex said. “It would take MAJOR sewer” indicating that the sewer line expected in the future wouldn’t support a motel/hotel there. He said he will check to see if future land use is different from RMFT zoning. Chief Van Helden said to keep in mind that we have to replace fire trucks in the future, which will be charged back to the Island taxing unit. He’s looking to stretch the life of the current equipment 2-3 years. Vertical Divider
If you have commentary regarding the site location, we encourage you to contact the Board of County Commissioners prior to the April 9th Commission meeting. If you plan to comment at the meeting, there will be an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting for public input. The BCC can be reached at:
County Commission Commission Office [email protected] 941.743.1300 Agenda Inquiries 941.743.1944 Bill Truex [email protected] Stephen R. Deutsch [email protected] Joe Tiseo [email protected] Christopher Constance [email protected] Ken Doherty [email protected] Please note that each commissioner can be reached by phone at the “switchboard” number above. For further information contact Lou Ellen Wilson at [email protected] or Candy Cohen at [email protected]
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In case you have not read your PIE emails over the past several weeks, let’s catch you up. The county has determined that our island firehouse needs to be replaced as it is not to code, not ADA compliant and smaller than is suitable to manage our needs into the future as the island population grows. The county engaged Magnum Builders and Sweet-Sparkman Architects of Sarasota as well as Johnson Engineering to evaluate the existing and two potential alternative sites. They published their Site Evaluation Report and Recommendations on February 19th. The evaluation report indicates that “no land purchase or boat dock access is included” so we believe this additional information will need to be used to make a decision. Despite stating that “feedback from the community” was considered, members of the PIE board were unable to identify any residents who had provided input on the more subjective areas of the analysis. PIE issued a call to action to postpone the County Commissioners site selection decision and to hold a town hall to accept community input. The decision has been postponed until April 9th and the Town Hall will take place Monday, March 18th, 2019. Your email from PIE yesterday provided an updated location for the town hall meeting. We hope to see many of you at the 11:00 AM meeting at the Englewood Chamber of Commerce location where we will have a presentation from the county and an opportunity to discuss the project and our concerns. The site evaluation report has some factual errors and we have been made aware of some other rumors and published statements circulating on the island that are incorrect. Your PIE board voted Monday, February 11th, to circulate a Fact Sheet to point out and correct these issues. As chair of the Barrier Island Fire Advisory Board, Candy Cohen took point working with other board members to produce this document over the past several days. Input was collected by a number of discussions with island residents, our fire station personnel and our sheriff to be incorporated in the document as well. As there is a subjective element in the Site Grading Matrix, we have incorporated this feedback to adjust importance of some items and to add additional criteria from an islander perspective. That said, PIE has heard a disparity of opinions on the evaluated sites so we encourage each resident to consider what items are of importance to you to come to your own conclusions. The Fact Sheet is made up of the following:
Other Important Links:
Fire Station 10 Evaluation Report (view/download) Project Status Page on the Charlotte County Public Site ![]() Important Links: Fire Station 10 Evaluation Report (view/download) Project Status Page on the Charlotte County Public Site **REVISED** NEWS RELEASE Town Hall to Discuss New Fire Station 10 Project CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. (March 8, 2019) – Charlotte County is holding a Town Hall meeting to discuss the details of the Fire Station 10 project. Staff will be available for public comment and to answer questions. The town hall meeting will be March 18, 2019, at 11 a.m. at the Englewood Chamber of Commerce, 601 R. Indiana Ave. Englewood. Presentation starts at 11 a.m. and exhibits will be available for public review at 10:30 a.m. The Board of County Commissioners will consider the site selection during the regular board meeting on April 9, 2018. To review the Project Status Update and Site Evaluation Report, visit and click Project Status Updates in the Popular Links. For information email Gary Burdahl at [email protected]. Todd Dunn Public Relations Manager/PIO Charlotte County Fire & EMS 941-740-1929 - Cell 941-833-5610 - Office 26571 Airport Rd. Punta Gorda, FL 33982 [email protected] Important Links:
Fire Station 10 Evaluation Report (view/download) Project Status Page on the Charlotte County Public Site NEWS RELEASE Town Hall to Discuss New Fire Station 10 Project CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. (March 8, 2019) – Charlotte County is holding a Town Hall meeting to discuss the details of the Fire Station 10 project. Staff will be available for public comment and to answer questions. The town hall meeting will be March 18, 2019, at 11 a.m. in the West County Annex located at 6868 San Casa Drive in Englewood. The Board of County Commissioners will consider the site selection during the regular board meeting on April 9, 2018. To review the Project Status Update and Site Evaluation Report, visit and click Project Status Updates in the Popular Links. For information email Gary Burdahl at [email protected]. Todd Dunn Public Relations Manager / PIO Charlotte County Fire & EMS 941-740-1929 Yesterday, Friday 3/8, our own Station 10 Firefighters Eddie Diaz and Don Morley joined firefighters around the country for the "Fill the Boot" campaign to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This was the first time that Station 10 participated in the 65-year-old annual campaign. Important Links:
Fire Station 10 Evaluation Report (view/download) Project Status Page on the Charlotte County Public Site Our present Fire Station on Gasparilla Way does not meet County Code and fire service requirements, so the County will be replacing it. The original plan was to put the new building on the existing location. However, this site has significant challenges and the County is evaluating alternative locations. A site evaluation report was prepared for the County and released on 02.19.19. This report is being reviewed and the BCC has scheduled a vote to finalize the site location at their April 9th meeting. The fire house project can be tracked at the Project Status Page on the Charlotte County Public Site. Travis Mortimer, Assistant County Administrator, advised us on 02.27.19 that County representatives will be arranging a Town Hall style meeting at the West County Annex on San Casa sometime in mid-March to address stakeholder questions and concerns. PIE will be sending an email notice as soon as the date/time has been set. Travis has requested that questions and concerns be forwarded to the County through one communication source. Candy Cohen has agreed to serve as administrative liaison on this subject. You can reach Candy at [email protected] or text her at 201-600-1083. PIE will be sending an e-mail giving the date and time of the Town Hall Meeting once the details are available. |
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