You may have recently received legal notice (CLICK HERE to view Notice) from Environmental Utilities, LLC (EU) alerting you to their application to the Public Service Commission (PSC) for the installation of central sewer on the Islands. Normally, when a utility company applies for authorization to provide central sewer, they must include the monthly rates, the connection fees and the type of system to be installed.
However, EU is asking for a waiver to the rule requiring that this information be submitted at the time of the initial application. (CLICK HERE to view Motion to Bifurcate and For Temporary Rule Waiver) On Tuesday January 5th, 2021 the PSC will consider allowing EU to proceed with the application for certification without providing the rates, connection fees and the additional information about the sewer system. An objection to this waiver is essentially a request for transparency. If you want to know what the rates will be and wish to know what type of system will be installed then you need to file an objection to this rule waiver NOW. Email the PSC by noon [12:00 PM] Monday, January 4th, 2021. Object to the proposal and ask the PSC to deny the Motion to Bifurcate and Temporary Rule Waiver. Every email counts so please urge your spouses to write as well. TO: [email protected] SUBJECT: Docket #20200226-SU To Whom It May Concern, My name is [insert name]. I am a property owner on [identify Island]. My property is within the service area contained in the application from Environmental Utilities, LLC [EU] for central sewer. I am writing specifically to object to EU’s request to bifurcate the certificate and rate-making proceedings. I also object to the granting of a temporary waiver of Rules 25-30.033(1)(p) and (q). Property owners in the proposed service area have a deadline of January 16, 2021 to present their objections. In bifurcating the application, no information regarding estimated rates and connection fees for this project will be available until the Spring of 2022. As future consumers, we have been asked to present our objections to a proposal for which we have no idea what the associated costs will be nor the type of system we will be paying for. All of which has been timed to take place during a tumultuous holiday season within a global pandemic. I object to all of this, plus the applicant’s lack of experience as an owner/operator of a wastewater utility and the inadequate information regarding the applicant’s financial strength. Therefore, I formally request that EU’s Motion to Bifurcate and Temporary Rule Waiver be denied. Yours truly, [Name and email address]
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January 2025
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